Sunday, October 25, 2015

Why Big Sean Thinks You Need to be Vocal During Sex

The rapper got few things to say about sex.

The Ex Factor:"I don't have the time or energy to hate anybody. 
I've learned that the best way to move on is to be 100 with yourself. 
You've got to boss up, shake it off, and keep moving."
Get mine, get yours: "I think it's crazy that a lot of women haven't had orgasms. 
It's terrible! I want her to look forward to it as much as I do."
Boy, interrupted:  "My first time, I didn't know what I was doing. 
My mom came home, so I had to stop and sneak my girlfriend out. 
My mom never knew. But she will now!"
Say it loud: "The thing about sex is you've got to be vocal, even if it's awkward.
 You don't want to be the guy who thinks he's doing it right when really, he's  messing
 it up."