Sunday, October 25, 2015

Meek Mill Throws Shade At Drake’s Dance Moves: He Has ‘Two Left Feet’

There’s one person in the world who wasn’t thoroughly charmed by Drake’s ‘Hotline Bling’ video: Meek Mill, of course! The feud is alive and well, in case you thought differently, and the rapper is slamming Drake’s dance moves. Was he aiming to ruin Drake’s birthday?

Meek Mill put Drake on blast yet again after seeing his "Hotline Bling" video, and his goofy but awesome dance moves. To Meek, Drake looks like he has “two left feet,” as he stated in concert on October 23. Meek was already planning on releasing another diss track on Drake’s birthday, October 24, as a source told . Is this another bday diss?
Meek was performing in Philadelphia on Friday, October 23, when he had to throw a major shade at drake, yet again. Meek’s telling the crowd about how one of the guys up on stage with him is a phenomenal dancer, and it’s making him look bad. You know, like Drake, who has “two left feet.” On the day before Drake’s birthday, no less!
He’s referring to Drake’s "Hotline Bling" video, which has gone viral for his admittedly funny dance moves. Drake’s kind of doing some dad dancing, and it’s inspired most of the Internet to create their own versions of the video. They’ve set the dancing to the Peanuts theme, and “Single Ladies.” Drake’s now tossing pepperonis on a pizza and playing some serious Wii tennis. Too bad Meek can’t see the fun in all of this!
Meek was already itching to ruin Drake’s birthday, as a source told  with a diss track.  “It would be the best present Meek could ever give Drake! He’s in the studio constantly and is really thinking about dropping something epic on Drake, but he keeps going back and forth in his head asking if himself if he really wants to ignite that fire again,” the source said. “Everybody is dissing Drake right now and Meek’s seriously thinking about getting in on the act.”
Meek also made sure to take another swipe at drake during his show, this time referencing their feud over Nicki Minaj. He referenced a lyric in Drake’s “Back To Back,” in which he says  “Is that a world tour or your girl’s tour?” — a thinly veiled reference to Meek going on tour with Nicki. Meek fired back at this lyric (kind of late, don’t you think?) saying “was that a joke?” Meek doesn't care, because he’s “got the hottest chick in the game.

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