Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Woman who was mauled and left for dead by a REAL bear says gruesome scene in The Revenant was 'absolutely fake'

       Ms Hansen, pictured, before the attack. After seeing the movie she also scoffed at the way in which the bear diedMs Hansen was attacked so badly by the bear, she lost 14 teeth, had her nose and ears bitten off and had to undergo several surgeries and years of rehabilitation

A woman who survived a real life bear attack has slammed a depiction of a mauling in the film The Revenant saying Leonardo DiCaprio's character got off 'very lightly indeed'.

Allena Hansen, 64, was thrashed by a small bear on her California ranch in July 2008, which saw her lose 14 teeth and have her nose and ears bitten off.

She had to endure dozens of surgery and spent years in rehabilitation recovering from the savage attack.
In the Oscar-winning movie The Revenant, the lead character played by DiCaprio is also pounced on by a bear in a shocking scene and then left for dead. 
 After seeing the film, Ms Hansen described the scene where Leonardo DiCaprio's character is attacked as risibly faked and added that Leo had 'got off lightly' 
But after seeing the movie Ms Hansen scoffed at the supposed injuries suffered by the character and also said the way in which the bear died was also unrealistic. 

She said: 'As you can see from the pictures of me when I was taken to ER, Leo got off extremely lightly indeed.

'And while we're at it, bears that big don't drop dead from three stab wounds to the shoulder with a Bowie knife.
'It struck me as risibly faked.'

Ms Hansen had been walking her pets in Kern County eight years ago when she suffered the horrifying ordeal.

A 150-pound bear jumped on her, forcing her to the ground before mauling her and ripping her skin and leaving her for dead.

Luckily her pet dogs, stood by her side during the attack and their barking eventually scared off the animal as she poked her thumbnail into its eye, allowing her to escape.

She then managed to walk back to her car and eventually caught sight of her injuries.

But even then she drove four miles to the nearest fire station for medical attention and she was airlifted to the UCLA Medical Centre.


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