Tuesday, March 22, 2016

ISIS claims responsibility for Brussel terror bombings

ISIS claimed to strike yet again on European soil Tuesday, saying its "fighters" launched attacks on the airport and a subway station in Belgium's capital that killed at least 30 people and wounded about 230 more.
The atmosphere in Belgium has been tense for months, with the authorities warning of possible threats and pursuing terrorists. Tuesday's attacks followed on the heels of last week's capture of Europe's most wanted man, Salah Abdeslam, in a bloody raid in Brussels.
Police say they are looking for this man in connection with the Brussels attack.

The Brussel police released the above photos of the suspected bombers.
"We were fearing terrorist attacks," Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel told reporters Tuesday. "And that has now happened."
A Belgian government representative told CNN that 20 people died at the Maelbeek metro station and 130 were wounded, plus 10 more were killed and 100 wounded at Brussels' international airport.
The "working assumption" is that the attackers came from the network behind November's massacres in Paris, which left 130 dead, Belgian security sources said, while cautioning it is very early in the latest investigation.
After Tuesday's attacks, Belgian state broadcaster RTBF reported that Belgian authorities carried out midday raids in a search for people linked to the attacks. Several witnesses told CNN they'd seen police special forces combing through the northeast Brussels neighborhood of Schaerbeek, cordoning off a train station there.
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