Friday, December 4, 2015

Kylie Jenner admits She Feels Like A Free Woman Now That Tyga Moved Out of her house

 Kylie Jenner has her great big house all to herself now that Tyga has moved into his own bachelor pad and a source tells that she couldn’t feel more relieved because her house is back to being neat and orderly again! Find out why else she’s thrilled he’s gone!

Kylie Jenner feels like a major weight has been lifted off her shoulders. The KUWTK reality star loves Tyga but she’s happy to have her house back. The 18-year-old had been living with Tyga while he “figured out” his living situation but she finally told him he definitely needed his own pad because she just couldn’t take the clutter and fighting anymore!

“Kylie feels like a new woman now that she’s not underneath Tyga 24-7,” a source tells “There’s no pressure on her and there’s certainly no arguments. She’s being her natural cluttered self and loving it. One of her greatest joys is that she doesn’t have to be all dolled up and pretty at night. She’s enjoying walking around the mansion in oversized clothes, her hair in a bun and wearing no make-up.” Our source even adds that Kylie feels more rested with Tyga gone because he stayed up late and was a total distraction. 

“She’s also been getting lots of sleep and she’s more hands on with her image and business ventures. It’s been a while since she’s felt this way and she’s really feeling a sense of freedom. She’s still with Tyga. She loves him and cares about him deeply. But the space and time away from him is working wonders for her.

We told you that Tyga reportedly tried to close on a $10 million dollar mansion near Kylie’s but that it kept falling through. Tyga allegedly would claim he didn’t have the money because he hadn’t been paid yet. There was also a report that Kris Jenner was trying to get Tyga to move out too because she’s not a big fan of the rapper. But they were together over Thanksgiving and they seemed really happy. But keep in mind, Kylie is young and so much can change, so we’re happy she’s getting some time to herself!

Source: Hollywood Life

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