Monday, October 26, 2015

Leonardo DiCaprio Eats Raw Bison Liver in New Movie 'The Revenant'.

Leonardo DiCaprio, one of the world’s most accomplished daters of models is hoping to become just as accomplished as an actor by winning an Academy Award. Could this upcoming Oscars be the year? The field could break right, and more importantly, it looks like DiCaprio has given the appropriately batshit performance necessary to win the award.

You see, Best Actor isn’t really about acting. It’s about how much weight you’ve lost, or making a complete physical transformation in place of vanity, or, in the case of Daniel Day-Lewis, traveling back in time and becoming Abraham Lincoln. So when Leo couldn’t snag an Oscar for sticking a candle in his ass, snorting a bunch of fake cocaine, and going generally apeshit in The Wolf of Wall Street, he knew he had to go to the next level. Enter The Revenant.
We can’t stress enough how insane this movie is. A period piece? Check. Leo with an epic beard? Of course. A full-on bear vs. human fight, bow-and-arrow combat, bloody men, and rhythmic heavy breathing? That was just the damn trailer.
So the reveal, from an interview with Yahoo, that DiCaprio eats raw bison liverduring the film should come as no surprise. The man is doing whatever it takes to win, and he wants people to know about it.
Personally, I think if Leo loses at the Academy Awards, he only takes it up another notch in his next film. But I don’t think the world is ready for what comes after eating raw animal organs. For everyone's sake, let’s give the man his Oscar.

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