Friday, July 1, 2016

U.S: Airstrikes destroys convoys conveying IS militants out of Falluja

Coalition airstrikes targeted two ISIS convoys leaving Falluja over two days, destroying about 175 vehicles carrying militants out of the city, the spokesman for the U.S. coalition said Thursday.

Col. Chris Garver said Iraqi security forces destroyed other vehicles.

The Iraqi military provided different numbers, saying coalition and Iraqi forces destroyed a total of 750 ISIS vehicles in the two convoys and killed hundreds of ISIS militants.

One of the convoys consisted of 700 vehicles, said the commander of the Iraqi Air Force, Lt. Gen. Hamed al-Maliki.

Garver didn't say how many militants were killed. A U.S. official said the destroyed vehicles could have carried as many as 250 ISIS fighters.

Garver said a large group of vehicles was detected gathering in neighborhoods southwest of Falluja, west of the Tofaha Bridge, on Tuesday night. Iraqi security forces on the ground positively identified the convoy as belonging to ISIS, he said.

"Iraqi air force and coalition airstrikes attacked the convoy throughout the night and into Wednesday morning," Garver said. "We estimate coalition strikes destroyed approximately 55 Daesh vehicles and we know the Iraqi security forces destroyed more." Daesh is another term for ISIS.

On Wednesday, a second group of ISIS vehicles and fighters formed east of Ramadi, in the Albu Bali neighborhood, Garver said.

"When strikes from both Iraqi and coalition air hit the convoy, the Daesh fighters abandoned their vehicles and fled on foot," he said. "We estimate coalition strikes destroyed approximately 120 Daesh vehicles. Again, we know the Iraqi security forces destroyed more."

The operation required American aircraft because there were a lot of civilians in the area, a U.S. official said.

The airstrikes come days after the Iraqi military announced that its troops had seized Falluja from ISIS.

The city was liberated Sunday after the military recaptured the last neighborhood in Falluja, said Lt. Gen. Abdul Wahab al-Saadi, commander of the liberation of the city.

Source: CNN

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